Blog – “A Place for Academics.”

What is Threads (and Why Use It?)

What is Threads (and Why Use It?)

If you’re an academic in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s, you may feel like you’ve missed the social media wave, especially with platforms like TikTok and Instagram. These platforms were dominated by early adopters belonging to the Gen Z and Gen Alpha demographics, leaving many academics feeling like they’re playing catch-up. 

Academic to 6-figure Plus Entrepreneur: The Journey

Academic to 6-figure Plus Entrepreneur: The Journey

My 9-5 paycheck would only take me so far in terms of making more money. I also had a new motivation because I never wanted to find myself broke with nowhere to go ever again. I needed to get financially secure to weather any storm life had in store. While I already had an LLC before my son was born, I was not running it like a business. Over the last six years, I’ve been running two (predominantly) online businesses, Power Your Research and Nerdworks.


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