As an academic, building a personal brand can catapult your career to new heights. And in today’s digitally-connected world, creating a personal brand isn’t just about getting published in the right journals, it’s also about carving out a space in digital media and establishing your brand on multiple social channels. 

One such platform is Threads. Threads is a brand new platform launched by Facebook’s parent company Meta and is a versatile platform that facilitates thought-provoking discussions and knowledge sharing. Its streamlined format enables users to create interactive threads of conversations, perfect for cultivating a potent academic brand. In this article, we’ll look at how you can build a brand on the new platform.

Understanding the Basics of a Strong Academic Brand

An academic brand is your professional identity. It reflects your scholarly pursuits, intellectual passions, and teaching philosophy. A robust academic brand distinguishes you from your peers, increases your visibility in the field, and enhances your credibility as a professor and academic.

Having a strong brand is not only about showcasing your achievements; it’s about articulating the value you bring to your community. It fosters connections, influences your career trajectory, and can even increase your funding opportunities.

How Threads Can Elevate Your Brand

Threads’ familiar structure provides the perfect environment for thoughtful exposition and forward-thinking discourse; only now, you have the added benefit of catching the platform’s explosive growth at the beginning of its lifetime. 

Taking advantage of the platform’s Thread-based communication and longer post limit gives you more room to unpack complicated subjects piece by piece. Methodical, in-depth exploration will help you showcase your expert knowledge and promote higher engagement levels by inviting your audience to engage in exploration and community learning. 

Now that you have a foundational understanding of how Threads can elevate your academic brand, it’s time to start your journey. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but I’ve managed to break the process down into five actionable steps you can take. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Establishing Your Academic Brand Identity on Threads

A clear brand identity is critical in distinguishing yourself digitally and academically. On Threads, you can highlight your brand by focusing on your niche, engaging with other thought leaders, and joining relevant discussions. 

Reflect on your unique areas of interest and how you can contribute new insights to those fields. By maintaining a distinct focus, you can establish yourself as a thought leader and go-to resource while building your Threads following. 

Step 2: Crafting a Compelling Narrative on Threads

The power of storytelling cannot be underestimated in academic branding. Using Threads, you can strategically weave your compelling narratives into high-value, brand-focused content. Don’t be afraid to get personal, share personal stories, celebrate significant milestones, and distribute personal projects. Weaving your journey into your academic pursuits provides context that personalizes and enriches your professional image.

Step 3: Engaging with the Academic Community on Threads

Building an academic brand is not a solitary endeavor. It’s about creating and nurturing a community. Threads can facilitate this by enabling engagement with your peers, readers, followers, and even students. 

Start discussions, pose thought-provoking questions, and participate in ongoing threads to establish a dynamic presence. Remember, collaboration and interaction can enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation.

Step 4: Maintaining Consistency on Threads

Consistency is a central pillar in creating an academic brand. Be true to your intellectual pursuits and ensure that what you share aligns with your overall vision.

Maintain a consistent tone, quality in your content, and frequency when posting. These things build trust and keep your audience coming back for more. The idea of posting frequently can feel overwhelming. For tips and actionable strategies on how and what to post, check out my list of 15 ways to use Threads to build a personal brand. 

Step 5: Adapting Your Brand Strategy on Threads

Adapting is not just about “surviving,” it’s about thriving. In the digital landscape’s constant flux, academics must be committed to lifelong learning beyond the scope of their field. You have to be ready to tweak your brand and content strategy as digital platforms change. 

To do that, stay up to date on significant changes. Threads is an excellent example of this. In just five days, Threads saw 100 million sign-ups. Learning about this rapidly growing platform and adding it to your brand strategy demonstrates exactly what it takes to build and evolve strategy over time. 

Final Thoughts

Building an academic brand on Threads involves:

  • Creating a unique identity
  • Weaving in a compelling narrative
  • Engaging with the community
  • Maintaining authenticity and consistency
  • Being adaptable

This process, while demanding, can reap incredible rewards in the form of visibility, authority, and even income. So, embrace this journey. Stand out from the crowd and let your academic brand grow on Threads.